1001 chess tactics pgn
1001 chess tactics pgn

1001 chess tactics pgn

However, most basic endgames tutorials for endings without pawns are covered in the Checking & Checkmating Studies below, not in this section.Ĭ. Access using the Endgames Index links in either of the above two sections.


Other Endgames section tutorials currently available only in pdf format. Introductory level development of positional themes in endgames using King & pawn v. Basic Endgames – Introduction to Pattern Themes. Simple (Elementary/Fundamental) Checkmates/Basic Endgames. Introduction, Fundamental Principle, Basic Considerations, Types. (have paper & pencil or pen ready before linking)Ī.


Lists grouped by ECO Codes and Main Openings, and web addresses with free databases for each ECO code for downloading. Phases of the Game: The Opening, the Middlegame, and the Endgame. Doubly Attacked (& the devastating tactic of Double Check) En prise Entombment Exchange Fiachetto Focal Points (also called focal-points) Forks Infiltration Interference Luft Overprotection Principle of Two Weaknesses Raking Bishops Reverse Openings Sacrifices Trade Transposition Underpromotion X-Ray Zwischenzug Zugzwang & Reciprocal Zugzwang Pins & Skewers, Classification of Movement Further Development of Concepts for Material Advantage, Positional Structure, King Safety, pawn Structure, Centralization, Space, Mobility, Initiative, Analysis, & Chess Terminology Individual Tutorials for Each Piece and the pawns. The Conceptual Foundation Primary Principle – Combination Role in Constructing Framework of a Game Plan Two Basic Building Blocks – Tactics & Strategy Offensive & Defensive Moves Goals Move Order & Calculation Battle for Control of Center and Roles of Pawn Center & Centralization Threats Traps Tempo (Tempi), Lost Tempo (Lost Tempi), Time-Controlled Chess Positional Inferiority Positional Superiority Counterattacks Counterplay Double Attack vs. A few timeless observations on bad moves and blunders from Irving Chenev & Fred Reinfeld, before proceeding on to moving pieces and advancing pawns.Į. with Introduction to Material Count & Material Value of Pieces and pawns, Compensation, Positional Structure, Development, King Safety, pawn Structure, Centralization, Space, Mobility, Initiative, Tactics, Strategy, Analysis, Chess Notation & Symbols (further development of English Algebraic notation & Symbols used in chess notation), & Terminology.ĭ. The Chessboard, the Pieces, and the pawns, with Introduction to using English Algebraic Notation & Symbols Observation Regarding Learning Chess Terminology.Ĭ. Alternatives to Checkmate – Resignation Draws Stalemate.ī. Rapid Checkmates – Fool’s Mate Scholar’s Mate Three-Move Mate. Simple Checkmates and Controlling Squares. Checkmates (simple and complex) Anatomy of Mate/Patterns Mating Net Pattern Recognition. Latent Attacks Hidden Attacks Immediate/Direct Attacks Mating Attacks Attacks before and after Castling Attacks based on spatial, material, and temporal aspects. Checkmate described and explained Types of Checks – Check by a Piece, Check by a pawn, Fork Check, Double Check, Combined Fork Check & Double Check, Discovered Check Discovered Checkmate Skewer and overview discussion of chess ratings. Online Resources and Recommended ReadingsĪ.


Download Sacrificing in Chess companion pgn file.Ĭhess for the Blind, Visually-Impaired, and Low-Vision. Includes historical review, absolute versus relative, types of sacrifices, additional concepts, twenty-six study problems, and more. This tutorial is a detailed, extensive tutorial on using sacrificing for tactical and strategic purposes. View/Download/Print Sacrificing in Chess (in pdf format 493KB). The powers and capabilities of the Pieces & the pawns (in pdf format). Note: Tutorials and lessons in pdf format are formatted for best viewing at 100%. Most of the tutorials and lessons available at the website (below in Main Index) – and more not posted here – including topics in general, beginner, advanced, & endgame areas of study, are now available and more will be added as time permits. View/Download/Print Tutorials & Lessons in pdf format!

1001 chess tactics pgn

Please consider making a donation to the school and/or the club to help these children with their educational and chess studies. Visit their website to view photos and videos and learn more about the chess club run by volunteers at the school to augment the children’s studies. (site opens in new browser window, close window to return here): Ajedrez escolar Ciudad de los Niños de Monterrey, N.L. The techniques I utilize present my vision…mixing, matching, and meshing the rules of chess, guidelines, principles, and higher level concepts, to foster better conceptualization of the game of chess. I developed this website to help beginners to enjoy learning the game of chess, and to assist players at various skill levels in steadily improving skills. Active coordinated approaches to learning and playing chess result in exciting games.

1001 chess tactics pgn